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Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking with Bee Icon

We will create consistency, predictability, and efficiency by setting up systems for accomplishing our work in the District so individual staff members, sites, and departments are not duplicating efforts, dividing resources, and potentially working at cross-purposes. With planning based on the big picture and consideration of how all the pieces fit together, staff, students, and parents/guardians will be able to rely on a similar experience and level of service across the district. 

Some examples of the work of our plan are: 

  • School Plans for Learner Success redesigned to align with the goals and structure of District Plan
  • Development of administrative and operating procedures for schools and departments to follow
  • Technology review and roadmap for ensuring reliable, modern and equitable infrastructure, hardware, software, and support
  • Fully integrated online systems for Finance and Human Resources.
  • District data system and data warehouse to provide information for instruction and planning
  • Senior Leadership Team communication and collaborative planning
  • Budgeting and staffing intentionally planned to align with District Plan goals and strategy
  • Capital and Annual Facility Grant planning developed in alignment with District Plan

Keep scrolling to see how our district has been developing our systems thinking this year!

Place/land based learning and educational shift

Naghtaneqed Elementary Junior School

Today, education professionals are using systems thinking to examine how place based education can improve the process and knowledge of teaching Indigenous students. As Indigenous educators, it is important that we increasingly explore land based learning to develop a sense of who students are individually and culturally, learn important information that the land, animals and plants can offer. Place based learning is a time every week that students walk, share stories and discussion and I see students flourish in this environment.



Moving Systems Forward:  Productive Workplace Interactions

School District 27

A diverse group from SD27 including principals and vice-principals, senior leadership team, human resources, maintenance office, and the union met with Raj Dhasi on Productive Workplace Interactions. Through resilience maintenance, managing selves, exploring biases, and deepening communications skills we can work through difficult conversations and move forward productively with all stakeholders.


IXL Math Learning Website

Lac La Hache Elementary

Through a mathematics application called IXL, which was introduced to our school this year, students are able to review concepts being taught when needed through a short video lesson or through a step-by-step visual explanation. They also receive instant feedback, earn badges and certificates as motivational tools, and work at their own pace. Teachers are able to view all students' progress, analyze class data for real-time understanding of how students are progressing through various concepts, perform individual diagnostic reports for students, and suggest target skills for students to work on. Students can log on at school or at home to share their learning or further develop their skills.


Exploring a New Digital Tool

Nesika Elementary

The SD27 Human Resources team recently visited to ensure support staff had training time to explore a new digital tool. Thank you for coming to do it in-person and making time and space for understanding. 


Clerical Training Day


Clerical staff from across the district joined the board office team for a one-day training focused on perfecting processes and creating a common language. These gatherings and trainings strengthen communication between the board office and schools so that we can better serve our students and their families.


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