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Work Experience (WEX)


Career Life Education 10 and Career Life Connections 12 are graduation requirements for all students in British Columbia. These courses provide students with opportunities to explore and research a multitude of education and career pathways and to acquire the knowledge and competencies necessary for success in school, the workplace, and in daily life.

Career life Education 10 (4 credits):

CLE 10 is completed in class which consists of 120 hours of personal development, connections to the community, and career life planning.

Career Life Connections 12 (4 credits):

The Career Life Connections 12 course is divided into 3 parts all completed outside of the timetable.

Part 1: Online Moodle course completed by the end of grade 11. The course consists of personal development, career life planning and communication.

Part 2: Capstone Project – The student chooses a passion project (20 hours), creates a portfolio (collection of work), completes a presentation, and a reflection.

Part 3: Work experience – 30 hours of work experience/volunteer/job placement.

The primary goal of the WEX program is to help students personalize their learning and prepare them for life after secondary school completion. Through WEX, students have the opportunity to observe and practice generic employability skills, as well as skills specific to occupations, industries, or careers.

WEX12A & WEX12B (4 credits): Elective Work experience

Elective work experience courses that provide opportunities for students, especially those whose learning style is better suited to hands-on activities. A course that provides either exploration in a career area and develops job readiness skills or a career exploration area that they may be interested in. This course is outside of the timetable.

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