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Youth Work in Trades

Youth WORK in Trades

ITA (Industry Training Authority) – Youth WORK in Trades is a career program that provides students with the opportunity to begin their apprenticeship training while attending high school.

What is Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeship is paid, work-based and technical training. YWT provides the opportunity for students to complete work-based hours at a part-time job while attending high school.

How Many Credits Can a Youth Work in Trades Student Earn?

The student will receive 4 credits towards graduation for every 120 hours completed on the job site, up to a maximum of 16 credits for 480 hours. Four credits are given for each of the following courses:

  • Youth WORK in Trades 11A (YWT11A)
  • Youth WORK in Trades 11B (YWT11B)
  • Youth WORK in Trades 12A (YWT12A)
  • Youth WORK in Trades 12B (YWT12B)

The following brochure provides detailed information about Youth WORK in Trades including information about apprenticeship hours, entry into the program, and scholarship opportunities: 

YWT Brochure.pdf

Students interested in in the Youth WORK in Trades Scholarship should contact David Corbett.

For more information and a listing of trades, visit the ITA (Industry Training Authority) website.

Youth Work in Trades Colour LogoSkilled Trades BC Apprenticeship videos:

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