A StrongStart Centre is a school-based, early learning parent participation program and provides a new gateway to lifelong learning. On your first visit to any StrongStart Centre, please bring your child’s Birth Certificate and Care Card to register into the program.
It offers a high quality early learning opportunity to families with young children that encourages problem-solving skills, self-esteem building practices, and the social skills that will help them successfully manage in school and lay a foundation for life-long learning.
This program recognizes that the parent is the first and most important teacher in a child’s life. Increased involvement in their child’s education contributes to success and teaches family literacy and the importance of a family-involved education.
The StrongStart Early Learning Centres are funded and supported by the Ministry of Education and School District No. 27.
StrongStart Centres follow the School District No. 27 School Calendar, and close for holidays, Professional Development Days, and Not-In Session days. StrongStart is offered at the following locations:
Parent StrongStart Handbook
Beulah Smith
Early Learning Coordinator
T: (250) 398.3867