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Instructional Capacity


The highest leverage strategy of educational improvement efforts is the development of staff capacity. In collaboration with the Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers Association we are making significant investments in quality professional learning for educators in current, research-based practice to increase knowledge and confidence.

Some examples of the work of are:

•Shifting from one-off workshops to a robust learning series with successive professional development sessions and classroom learning rounds, time to practice and reflect in between, and a community of practice network to support one another 

•Learning Series with exceptional BC, Canadian, and global leaders in numeracy, literacy, educational research, inclusion, resilience and trauma-informed practice. 

•Common district assessments with support for learning how to administer them, analyze results, and use what is learned to plan for instruction

•District mental health plan

•Full program of support for new teachers in their first three years
Explore the ways we are LEARNING BETTER TOGETHER with support for professional learning in Cariboo-Chilcotin School District: 

Québécois author Alexandra Larochelle

Nesika Elementary

La classe de Mme Jones had the privilege of a visit from Québécois author Alexandra Larochelle who shared her story of how she became an author at age 10, followed by a Q&A period. Tellement excitant!


Bryan Gidinski Leading Literacy


Teachers from around SD27 have been working with Bryan Gidinski throughout the year in classrooms as well as on professional development days. Bryan has helped us find ways to get students writing more and thinking more using some creative yet meaningful strategies.


Writing Workshop

150 Mile Elementary

150 Mile Elementary had Bryan Gidinski from the Learning Series leading two writer's workshops. Mrs. Iverson's Grade 2/3 class and Mrs. Vath's Grade 5/6 classes learned key elements to expand the quality, and also quantity, of their writing efforts. Enthusiasm and desire for students in these classes to write and journal is now at an all time high!



Carole Fullerton Shares Numeracy Strategies For Multi-Grade Classrooms

Horse Lake Elementary

Carole Fullerton and Helping Teacher Alison Bos returned to Horse Lake Elementary and focused their efforts on strategies that could be used in multi-grade classroom situations. We combined students from our grade 1 / 2 class and grade 3 / 4 class and Carole and the teachers worked with manipulatives to progress from simple addition, to subtraction, and then to multiplication for the assembled group. The progression allowed students to participate with their peers and blurred the lines between grade expectations within the group.



Horse Lake Students and Teachers Get Introduction To Coding

Horse Lake Elementary

District Helping Teacher Allison Bos visited Horse Lake Elementary armed with iPads and robotic devices, and helped the grade 1 & 2 students in Ms. Armitage's class, and the grade 3 & 4 students in Mrs. Lum's class learn some key ADST components of coding. The teachers learned about the logistics of teaching ADST coding concepts, while students quickly learned how to control the movements of the robotic devices in and around the classroom.



PSO Staff Collaboration and Graduation Assessments

Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School

PSO Staff working in department groups in our staff meeting to pull apart graduation assessments and support cross-curricular goals for students in skill development. Some good questions were asked as we did a deep dive into the assessments that started with trying to write one! Also powerful as table conversations involved teachers and support staff in a variety of roles.


New Teacher Candidate HIRED!

Lake City Secondary

Our school was so pleased to welcome VIU teacher candidate, Mattias Aaslie. Robert Fahoum was the sponsor teacher for Mattias who is an English/Drama specialist. On his last 'official' day at Lake City, Mattias received word that he was hired on with SD27!


Mentorship is Alive and Well!

Lake City Secondary

Retired teacher, Barb Blewett, spends time helping new-to-us teacher, Maureen Newman-Buafo. The two have been partnered for a few months as part of the district's Learning Alongside mentorship program which matches new teachers with retired teachers.


Students Succeed at Legion Remembrance Contest

Nesika Elementary

We’re pleased to share that several Nesika students placed in this year's Williams Lake Legion Remembrance Day poster and literary contest. Congratulations! The students will be invited to a ceremony in which they will be recognized for their achievements. The date of the ceremony is still to be determined. Thank you for supporting the Legion!


Leadership Series

CCPVPA and Management

This week the leadership series with Dylan Wiliam continued for the CCPVPA and management. Participants reported back about using educational research to help inform our school plans and specific goals. Wiliam reminded us that de-implementation is hard but necessary to help restore balance in our staffs and schools. We are making room for impact!


More Good Questions

Nesika Elementary

All of our teaching staff had a chance to learn from numeracy expert consultant Carole Fullerton yesterday. Carole led learning rounds focused on assessment in Ms. Kolinsky and Mme Jones’ classrooms, while other teachers were released from their classrooms to observe and learn. After school a group (pictured) got to spend extra time debriefing and asking good questions. Thanks again Carole!


Who Can Take a Box of Cheerios and Make Math FUN? Carol Fullerton Can!

Chilcotin Road Elementary

Carol Fullerton working with staff and students, helping to strengthen Numeracy at Chilcotin Road. As part of our School Plan for Learner Success, we believe that strengthening our teams capacity to engage students in new ways will increase and strengthen our students overall Numeracy scores and engagement. Who would of thought that all it would take was a box of Cheerios to make math fun.



Carole Fullerton and Horse Lake Primary Teachers Join Forces to Teach Numeracy

Horse Lake Elementary

Horse Lake Elementary was fortunate to host Numeracy Consultant Carole Fullerton for the third time in recent years, with a focus this time on improving primary numeracy. Working progressively through classes of grade 1s through to grade 4s, our teachers were able to experience the sequencing and continuity of Carole's hands-on approach using manipulatives to teach primary numeracy concepts. District Helping Teachers, Marianne Okrainetz and Alison Bos, also participated in the lesson delivery to give them more strategies to use in their district role.



Changing Possibilities 4 Young Children

SD27 Early Learning

Community Early Childhood Educators, StrongStart Educators and SD27 Kindergarten teachers, joined by Changing Possibilities facilitator Jillian Lewis, Co facilitator SD27 Early Learning Coordinator Beulah Smith and Director of Instruction, Early Learning and Inclusive Education Wendell Hiltz gathered for our first in person "Changing Possibilities 4 Young Children" session of the year. We will be focusing on how we can support social emotional well-being of children in our classrooms. In our first session we reviewed the 7 faucets of SEWB, and took some time to explore identity. To end our session embracing our strength based approach, participants chose a word which resonated with them today and had some fun "jazzing it up" to complete the statement "I AM ". We are such a unique and talented group and we are excited to begin this learning journey together.


Building Capacity at Nesika

Nesika Elementary

Teachers, with the support of helping teacher Natalie Ohlhauser, collaborated over an early dinner to assess the Nesika students' literacy work. DART, EPRA and SWW were all looked at and discussed in both English and French. Teachers will use the information gathered in this session to inform next steps in their teaching.


PSO Grows in Assessment and Communicating Learning

Peter Skene Ogden Secondary

PSO Staff collaborated at the November staff meeting to improve reporting practices by working on collective understanding of assessment and communicating student learning. Staff worked through scenarios of assessment of a variety of students, wrote shared comments on learning and editing each others work.


Math Lessons Outdoors

150 Mile Elementary

On a wildly windy and rainy day the staff at 150 Mile Elementary went outside with the WILD School instructors, Jessica and Roland, to explore types of math lessons that can be done outside. Here we are learning how to approximate the height of trees.


Classrooms 2 Communities

SD27 Staff

Many of our SD27 colleagues travelled to Vancouver for the C2C Conference. Teacher Frances McCoubrey was a lead partner and facilitator and SD27 was a contributing sponsor. We made many connections inside and beyond of local colleagues, with many take home ideas to come back to SD27.



Literacy Assessment Dinner Session

Cataline Elementary

With the support of Helping Teacher, Marianne Okrainetz, Cataline teachers participated in a literacy benchmarking dinner session, where teachers got together to collaborate with their colleagues, bounce ideas off each other, while also sharing a few laughs. Conversations leads to learning; the sharing of questions and each others' expertise demonstrates the commitment these teachers have to help guide their instruction to improve their students’ achievements.


Learning at the C2C Conference

Forest Grove Elementary

Exploring outdoor educational instructional strategies at the Classrooms 2 Communities conference. Great to have SD27 experts leading us.



Weekly Kickboxing Session

Naghtaneqed Elementary/Junior 

Students enjoyed kickboxing workshops twice a week. Lots of exercise, drills and kickboxing skills with Audrey Shepherd.


Sharing Knowledge on Website Updates

Skyline Alternate School

Principal Heather Lamorie gaining knowledge on updating Naghtaneqed School District website from Amanda Doherty clerical at Skyline.


Childcare Resource and Referral Fall Conference

 Early Learning

A collaboration success when SD27 Early Learning Coordinator, joined as a presenter for the Childcare Resource and Referral Fall Conference. Sharing knowledge with Early Childhood Educators on ways to utilize wet felted story mats in early learning settings and guiding educators through the process of making a story mat for their classrooms.


Making Mathematicians at 100 Mile

Ecole 100 Mile Elementary

All grade 3/4 and 6/7 teachers on our staff were joined by teachers from other schools as well as the helping teachers to engage two learning rounds with Carole Fullerton. Students enjoyed a hands-on learning experience with either Cheerios and place value (3/4), or crazy dice and multiplication (6/7). Having a team of teachers dedicated to working together using the same language helps create a strong foundation for success in numeracy for our students.


Nesika Focuses on WILD Teaching

Nesika Elementary

Nesika school is in our final year of the HCTF WILD Schools program. Every year as part of our commitment, teachers participate in an HCTF professional development workshop. Teacher leaders at Nesika have been learning alongside students each time - actively engaging with the learning. This year, teachers used our October meeting to work in grade groups with our facilitator Martin Kruus: pulling apart lesson plans, thinking through adaptations, and structuring our next workshop date. On October 23, "Take Me Outside for Learning Day" - our Nesika community will tackle Project WET.


Learning about collecting pitch and the Tsilhqot'in world view about the natural world through Pro-D.

Alexis Creek Elementary & Junior Secondary School

District Pro-D enabled Principals and teachers the opportunity to learn about the Tsilhqot'in's world view of the natural world while making medicine from pitch.


Carole Fullerton Shares Her Numeracy Prowess with 100 Mile Elementary Staff and Students

100 Mile Elementary

Carole Fullerton engaged Mrs. Helmer's grade 6/7 class in a lesson about multiplication concepts; she provided multiple methods to reach a diverse group of learners and everyone had fun participating. Carole helped the students understand and explain numeracy concepts by using various manipulatives such as dice and base ten blocks. It was wonderful to see all students feeling proud when explaining their learning to the adults helping in the classroom.



New Teacher Support Program with CCTA


We are very excited about the work done with the Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers Association (CCTA) to create a comprehensive program of support for new teachers. We have a number of new colleagues including teachers just beginning their careers, new to the Cariboo and BC, or teaching on a letter of permission. Many of them were able to join us for two days prior to the start of the school year to set them up for success with workshops led by CCTA, district staff, principals, and teachers. In addition to the valuable information and resources gained, was the opportunity to build community and a network to wrap around our new team members and continue through the year.

The program also entails the assignment of in-school buddies, mentorship by retired teachers, release days for visitations and co-teaching, and funds for classroom resources. This collaboration between the District and CCTA enhances the experience for new teachers and their students and supports recruitment and retention.


First Class Professional Learning Series


The District and CCTA partner on providing an absolutely first-class professional learning series. We have exceptional BC, Canadian, and global educational leaders bringing their expertise to our staff through professional development days, classroom learning rounds, and other opportunities for engagement. This year is no different: We are investing thoughtfully in the instructional capacity of our educators to enhance student learning and success.

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WILD School Lesson Planning

150 Mile Elementary

All the classroom teachers at 150 Mile Elementary came together in the afternoon of the September Pro-D day to learn abut lesson planning for outdoor learning activities. Focus areas for lesson development included migration, habitat, plant identification and food chains but also many more. Thank you to WILD schools for sharing their expertise. 


Bryan Gidinski Works With Horse Lake Staff and Students

Horse Lake Elementary

Horse Lake Elementary was fortunate to play host to Literacy Consultant Bryan Gidinski this week, as he worked alongside teachers and with students in several intermediate classrooms throughout the day.  Bryan focused on three different learning strategies with our students, including 'Surfacing Stories', 'Show! Don't Tell', and 'Say What?' which form the basis of a learning continuum for student writing.  Staff also joined Bryan for an informal conversation over lunch about ways to successfully implement our school's literacy goals for the year.  



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