Dual Credit & Transition Programs

For all of the programs below, please contact Kelvin Parent for more information.
Kelvin Parent
Coordinator of Career Programs
E: kelvin.parent@sd27.bc.ca
T: 778-799-2452
F: 250-392-3600
This 24 week program is designed to prepare the graduate to function, under supervision, as a Health Care Assistant. Learned skills will be applied in the community utilizing care facilities, assisted living facilities and private homes. The focus will be on training the health care worker to assist people of all ages in meeting his/her basic physical, emotional, environmental and social needs. Students learn to provide practical assistance to help maintain the client’s maximum independence within the limits of his/her ability.
The following brochure offers information about the Health Care Assistant program including how to apply, program requirements, and application deadline:
Health Care Assistant Brochure.pdf
Related Web Pages
TRU - Health Care Assistant Program
This program is designed to cultivate the necessary skills for an interesting and exciting career in agriculture and enterprise management.
The following brochure offers information about the Applied Sustainable Ranching program including how to apply, program requirements, and application deadline:
Applied Sustainable Ranching Brochure.pdf
Related Web Pages
TRU – Applied Sustainable Ranching
“Providing students in high school the opportunity to complete grade 12 with advanced access to a “Career in Trades”, by integrating the required trades training programs into their secondary school studies “
Youth TRAIN in Trades is an industry training program for high school students. Through the Youth TRAIN in Trades program, students can take courses that will give them credit towards both high school graduation and towards completion of an apprenticeship or industry training program.
Youth TRAIN in Trades programs are developed and offered through partnerships between school districts and post-secondary institutions, and classes are often taught at colleges. Local employers also get involved in the development of the Youth TRAIN in Trades programs, and students who complete these programs typically have very good success in finding employment.
The following brochure offers information about the Youth TRAIN in Trades program including how to apply, program requirements, and application deadlines:
Youth Train in Trades Overview.pdf
The following Youth TRAIN in Trades programs are currently in place locally for students in School District 27:
- YTT Brochure - Heavy Duty Mechanic.pdf
- YTT Brochure - Welding Foundation (Level C).pdf
- YTT Brochure - Carpentry Foundation.pdf
- YTT Brochure - Electrician Construction (Foundation).pdf
Various opportunities for other trades are available in other communities throughout BC.