Meetings - Special Meeting of the Board of Education

The Board of Education will hold its next meeting on Friday, March 21, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. at the administration building located at 350 Second Ave. N. Williams Lake.
This meeting is open to the public for virtual participation. The Board encourages and welcomes all those who are interested to attend via Teams.
- School District 27 By-election
Join the meeting in person or join the meeting online, choose this link. To join by phone call 1-647-749-5899 Phone Conference ID 111 621 981#
2024-25 Meetings
How can I bring a new item to the attention of the Board of Education?
If you have a new item, initiative, issue, or concern that you would like to bring to the attention of the Board of Education, please read the Board Delegates Guidelines, and complete the form linked within the document. Send the information by email to the Secretary-Treasurer’s Office through Jodi Symmes.
If you wish to appeal a decision made by a staff member, check out the Communications Protocol.