Course Selection
AcademicsGrade 7 Courses:
Applied Skills & Technologies, Career, English Language Arts, Fine Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education and Language (only one option) either: French 7 / Secwepemetsin 7 (Shuswap) or Tsilhqot'in 7 (Chilcotin).
Grade 8 Courses:
- English 8
- Math 8
- Science 8
- Social Studies 8
- Physical Education (only one option) either: Physical Education 8 / Hockey 8 / Aquatics 8
- Note - Limited space available for Hockey and Aquatics programs. We often resort to a lottery process when scheduling.
6. Language (only one option) either:
- French 8
- Dakelh 8 (Carrier)
- Secwepemetsin 8 (Shuswap)
- Tsilhqot'in 8 (Chilcotin)
- Spanish 8
7. Explorations 8 - Students receive sample of electives offered (ie: Concert Band - takes up 4 electives)
8. Concert Band 8
Downloadable Files:
- Grade 8 - Student Programming Handbook (2024/2024)
- Grade 8 - Course Selection Form (2024/2025)
- Note - Please complete and submit the Course Selection Form (signed by parent) to the school counsellors.
Grade 9 Courses:
- English 9
- Math 9
- Science 9
- Social Studies 9
- Physical Education (only one option) either: Physical Education 9 / Hockey 9 / Aquatics 9
- Note - There is limited space available for Hockey and Aquatics programs. We often resort to a lottery process when scheduling.
6. Language (only one option) either:
- French 9
- Dakelh 9 (Carrier)
- Secwepemetsin 9 (Shuswap)
- Tsilhqot'in 9 (Chilcotin)
- Spanish 9
7. Electives:
- Choose 4 term electives if taking a language
- Choose 6 term electives if you are NOT taking a language
- If you choose a semester elective that will count as 2 term electives.
Downloadable Files:
- Grade 9 - Student Programming Handbook (2024/2025)
- Grade 9 - Course Selection Form (2024/2025)
- Note - Please complete and submit the Course Selection Form (signed by parent) to the school counsellors.