About Us
Welcome to Columneetza Junior Secondary
At Columneetza Junior Secondary we are proud to offer a variety of courses and activities that will ensure all students have many opportunities to succeed and enjoy school. As we are one a school, two campus education facility, we are unique. Columneetza campus is mainly Grade 7-9 with senior students in attendance for specialized courses such as: French Immersion, Auto Mechanics, Metal Work, Welding, Power Mechanics, Drafting, Coding and Robotics. The Williams Lake campus is mainly Grade 10-12 students and offers a vast selection of courses to meet everyone’s graduation requirements. We look forward to an exciting year and hope students take advantage of all the great things we can offer.
School Philosophy
In accordance with the philosophy of public education in British Columbia, the staff of Columneetza Junior Secondary recognizes two major responsibilities of this school. The first is to foster the individual growth and development of students to their fullest potential. The second is to assist students to become active and productive citizens in our society.
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to share a commitment to creating a healthy environment, which encourages respect for self and others, fosters individual growth through the pursuit of excellence, and promotes a sense of belonging in the school and the larger community.
School Code of Conduct
Part of ensuring that our Mission can be fulfilled is tied to the conduct of students and staff. The School Code of Conduct sets the standards of behaviour expected at Columneetza Junior Secondary and provides the information from which behavioural instruction and accountability are derived.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to establish and maintain a safe, caring and orderly environment required for purposeful learning. The code provides appropriate balances between individual and collective rights, freedoms, and responsibilities. Also, the code clarifies and publishes expectations for student behaviour while going to and from school, at school, and while attending school functions or activities at any location. Please read over the Code of Conduct. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school.
Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule for Columneetza Junior Secondary.
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Code of Conduct

The School Code of Conduct sets the standards of behavior expected at Columneetza Junior Secondary and provides the information for the basis of behavioral instruction and accountability.
Learn MoreGeneral Information

General information regarding school expectations.
Learn MoreNewsletter

School Newsletter(s)
Learn MoreSchool Plans for Learner Success
Focus areas are matched to District priorities and currently include Healthy Schools, implementing the redesigned curriculum, and Literacy and Numeracy
Learn MoreStaff Directory
Student Records

Columneentza Junior Secondary facilitates student's currently registered in grades 7, 8 and 9. Consent for Release requests are submitted to our Records Secretary.
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