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Code of Conduct

At GROW we strive to provide a safe and caring environment for all learners in all environments, and as such all staff and students are made aware of the following conditions for attending GROW.  Hence, demonstrating positive conduct is the shared responsibility of students, staff, parents/guardians and the broader community at any school or school related activity and at any location, including online.

All members of the GROW community have an obligation to:

  • Respect property, environment, personal space, and privacy.
  • Support Learning.
  • Model courtesy, kindness, and respect to self and others.
  • Promote safety at all times.
  • Respect differences in people, their ideas, and opinions and treat them fairly regardless of their race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and age.
  • Dress in a manner that does not cause health or safety concern or promote or signify violent intent or illegal acts.

Safe and Caring School Environments are free from the following in an in-person or digital communication or behavior:

  • Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, threat and intimidation, violence in any form.
  • Misuse of cyberspace, cellphones, electronic devices, computers – students are to be aware that misuse of technology may be subject to discipline and/or confiscation of personal property.
  • Interfering with the learning and working of others.
  • Unsafe or illegal behavior including use or possession of intoxicating, banned, or controlled substances (alcohol, drugs, or tobacco in any form).

Responses to Inappropriate and/or Unacceptable Behavior:

Consequences of unacceptable behavior will consider the student’s age and maturity as well as severity and frequency of actions.  Whenever possible, the focus will be on restorative action.

10 Best Rules of Internet Communication (Netiquette)

  1. The Golden Rule:   Treat others like you would like to be treated.
  2. No Flaming:   FLAME is a personal insult communicated through the internet – reread your posts and comments before hitting send and ask yourself if the message will cause “FLAMES.”
  3. Don’t type in ALL CAPS:  People may misinterpret it as aggressive or anger.
  4. Don’t SPAM:   SPAM is any unsolicited email from an unknown source; in other words, not sending a message to someone who you do not know or would not be expecting your message.
  5. Keep it appropriate:  Never write or say anything that you wouldn’t let someone else read such as a parents or teacher.  Electronic messages are archived and available for the “administrator” to view if required.
  6. Obey Copyright Laws:  Don’t steal someone else’s idea, property, and rights.
  7. Use Proper Grammar and Spelling:  Errors diminish the credibility of the message.
  8. Be Honest/Be Yourself:  Tell the truth, and do not pretend to be someone else.
  9. Follow the TOS:   Terms of Service which are the rules and policies of the site you are using.
  10. Research your Facts/Cite your Sources:  Make sure what you post/cite/forward etc. is factual and cite your sources when possible of your facts.


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