School Calendar Input

To allow families and staff to plan we will publish our school calendars two years ahead. This means we will approve the calendars for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 now, and then each spring we will approve the calendar for the year after next.
Please see the draft 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 Cariboo-Chilcotin School Calendars approved by the Board for circulation for feedback. The drafts are based on the bookends of Labour Day and end of June and statutory holidays are observed.
*Please note that the non-instructional days for professional development are only placeholders. These are set collaboratively with the Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers Association. Now that the Board has approved a draft calendar for circulation, we will meet to determine the placement of these 5 days .
*Support staff please note: Boxing Day and Easter Monday are not provincial holidays and so are not indicated in this calendar. They are recognized in our Collective Agreement. Vacation Days in this calendar form are for the purposes of vacation days for students. Staff vacation is addressed by the Collective Agreement.
Please review the draft calendars and provide your feedback using the following link:
Comments may also be emailed to
The Education Committee will review the feedback at the February 12, 2025 meeting. The finalized calendars for 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 will be published and submitted to the Ministry and Education and Child Care by March 31, 2025.
We look forward to your input.