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Sending Transcripts to College/Universities

What you'll need

Before you access the StudentTranscripts Service as a current student, you will need

  • Your Personal Education Number (PEN)
    • Check your report card or contact the office to find your PEN. 
  • A valid email address (not your school email)
  • Your date of birth
  • Your legal first and last name

You must register for a Basic BCeID account to access the StudentTranscripts Service.

You are a current student if you are presently enrolled in a secondary school or have completed a course within the last six months. 

Please see the link below and follow the stops to send your transcript to the college or university of your choice.

Order a High School Transcript or Certificate as a Current Student - Province of British Columbia (

Please watch this help video for help on sending your school transcript to a post secondary institution.

How to order and or send a transcript to a Post –Secondary Institution - YouTube

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