Parents should determine the catchment area school their child should attend and then make an appointment to meet with the principal of the school. The catchment area can be determined by entering your address in Find the School Nearest You.
If you wish your child to attend a school that is not your catchment school, a School of Choice application must be submitted. Check out the School of Choice link below for further information.
A birth certificate will be required when registering as well as the latest report card from the previous school will assist the registration process.
If your child has a special need, bring all available medical records, psycho-educational assessments and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) to the school when you register your child. If you do not have these records, the principal will ask you to sign a form giving permission to request them. The principal will send these records to the Student Support Services Department of the School District which will then work with you to identify classes or support systems to help your child.
See also resources for Kindergarten Registration below.
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