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School Supplies

For students in Grades K-3, we collect $45 per child at the beginning of each school year.  Teachers will purchase all necessary supplies.

For Gr 4-7 students a supply list can be viewed and/or downloaded below.

*Please have your supply fees in by the end of September if possible. If you have any questions or concerns, or if this presents a hardship, please contact the school office.


All students need to have a pair of labelled indoor shoes (non-black skid) to leave at school, and a labelled, refillable water bottle. 

All Primary Students should bring an extra full set of clothing in a labelled bag in case a need should arise.  

Please ensure your child has weather appropriate clothing as they will be outside during breaks unless the weather is extreme.

STUDENT SUPPLY LIST for, grs 4-7 108.pdf

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