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Code of Conduct


Lac La Hache Elementary School




                                     Principal – Mark Lewis

Code of Conduct/ le code de conduite


Our Code of Conduct is designed to encourage students to respect themselves and others and to strive to do their personal best in all ways. The purpose and goal of this Code of Conduct is to promote a safe, caring and orderly school environment. Lac La Hache promotes the values expressed in the BC Human Rights Code respecting the rights of all individuals in accordance with the law - prohibiting discrimination based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation. It is expected that there should be no acts of discrimination in any regard, including publications, accommodation, service and facility in the school environment. The board and the school community will take all reasonable steps to prevent retaliation against a student who has made a complaint of a breach of this Code of Conduct. Efforts will be taken to maintain the dignity and right to privacy for members of our school community. Students, staff members, parents and coaches are required to meet the expectations outlined in this Code of Conduct. 

Circle of Courage

1727122418058.pngOur code has adopted a medicine wheel concept, “the Circle of Courage,” which emphasizes social and emotional growth in one’s life. As the Circle of Courage proposes, it is important for children to grow and develop through the spirit of belonging, mastery, independence and generosity. Research shows that children who are healthy both socially and emotionally are the best learners; children who display positive social-emotional traits are successful in school. (source: Brokenleg, Dr. Martin. 2007. Reclaiming Youth at Risk: Futures of Promise: Reclaiming Youth Network. “The Circle of Courage Philosophy).

The general standard of behaviour for students falls under the following guidelines:  Students must behave according to a Code of Conduct which recognizes the rights of, 

  • All students to learn 
  • School staff members to perform their duties 
  • Staff and students to work and learn in a safe environment 
  • Staff, students, and parents to be treated respectfully. 

The expectations of this code of conduct are intended to include all school related activities while students attending school, travelling to and from school, and while attending any school function at any location.  


Lac La Hache community members…


Expected general guidelines for behaviour of Lac La Hache students:

Belonging - I can be a respectful part of a group. Belonging is an understanding that you are significant and that relationships of trust are important, so that you can say, “I am loved.”


  • Care about the feelings of others and help those who are hurt or in need 
  • Respect the feelings, rights, and boundaries and bodies of others 
  • Give people their space when they need it for thinking, learning, and working 
  • Be inclusive and welcoming, make sure no one feels left out 


Mastery - I can set and achieve goals. Mastery is an understanding that you are capable and that you are learning to cope with the world, so that you can say, “I can succeed.”


  • Learning takes time and patience 
  • Achieve through a growth mindset 
  • Set personal goals and make plans to achieve them 
  • Take pride in your achievements and celebrate growth 
  • See mistakes as opportunities to learn 


Independence - I can be independently responsible. Independence is an understanding that you are powerful on the inside and that you have the will to make choices, so that you can say, “I have the power to make decisions.”


  • Be mindful of the consequences of your actions 
  • Lead by example 
  • Know yourself - be a self-regulated learner 
  • Be a creative, critical, and flexible thinker 
  • Make safe and healthy choices 


Generosity - I can contribute positively to others. Generosity affirms that you are a genuine human, and that your character is nurtured by concern for others, so that you can say, “I have a purpose for my life.”


  • Be generous with your talents 
  • Be willing to share 
  • Respect and take care of our environment 
  • Be helpful and cooperative 
  • Stand up against injustice 
  • Solve problems in a fair and peaceful manner

Consequences for failing to comply with behavioural expectations:

When students demonstrate behaviour that is not in keeping with the ideas described above, a discipline response that is based on learning and restoration (making amends) is implemented. At Lac La Hache we reflect upon our choices, take responsibility for our actions, and make amends through a restorative action plan with consideration of the developmental levels, age, maturity and diverse needs of students. 

Level 1: Initial, Minor Incidents:

Students can make mistakes; it’s a natural part of the learning process. At these times we aim to acknowledge and learn from these mistakes. Most of these choices are minor and can be solved with the teacher and student(s) and may involve a small group or class meeting. A review of the Circle of Courage’s qualities may be part of the restorative plan along with a decision - made with the student and the teacher - about appropriate restorative action (ex. apology, act that gives back to the individual/classroom/school).

Level 2: Repeated Behaviour:

At this point a discussion takes place with the student, teacher and principal or designate. The qualities from the Circle of Courage are reviewed with the student so they can assess their mistakes. A collaborative decision will be made about appropriate restorative action and the student completes a “Make Amends Plan” and a copy is sent home. The teacher or principal/designate may also request a meeting with the parents (or vice-versa).

Level 3: Serious Problems/Refusal to change: 

The Circle of Courage presents opportunities for children to learn how to deal with conflict effectively. It is often during these bouts of conflict that children act in ways that are inappropriate or unacceptable.

Responses to escalated breaches of the Code of Conduct will vary based on the severity and context of the violation. There will be communication between the teacher(s), parent(s), student, and principal. The principal or designate will determine the level of intervention for the student(s) to succeed in school. There will be consideration for others impacted in the school community. There may be the possibility of in school/out of school suspension.

Rising Expectations:  Students are expected to learn and mature as they move through successive grades, and as such the expectations progress towards increasing personal responsibility and self-discipline, as well as increasing consequences for inappropriate conduct/unacceptable behaviour.



Serious breaches of the Code of Conduct

Suspensions:   In accordance with the School Act, Sec. 85(2)(ii) and (d), and SD27 AP 320, the Board authorizes the Principal or designate of any school in the district to suspend a student from attendance at school for up to five days. Suspensions may be for the following reasons: 

a. A student is willfully and repeatedly disrespectful to a teacher or to any other employee of the Board carrying out responsibilities approved by the Board. 

b. The behaviour of the student breaches the District Code of Conduct or policy and/or has a harmful effect on others or the learning environment of the school. 

  • For example, (POLICY – 311 ILLICIT SUBSTANCES) Students who are under the influence of, possess, use, gift, provide to other students or sell illicit substances will be the subject of appropriate disciplinary action and their conduct may be reported to the authorities.

c. The student has failed to comply with the School Code of Conduct. 


Suspensions over five days are made in consultation with the appropriate Director of Instruction as per District Policy. Serious breaches of conduct that threaten the safety and welfare of others will be referred directly to an indefinite suspension including a review from a representative of the Superintendent.

Family involvement

Under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act and/or other relevant legislation, it may be necessary to advise other parties of serious breaches of the District Student Code of Conduct. Lac La Hache’s Code of Conduct was established to ensure each child and staff member’s safety. We ask for student and parental support in honouring our commitment to ensuring the safest learning environment for all. Parents can help in the following ways:

1.         Discuss the Code of Conduct with your child.

2.         Be in close contact with your child’s teacher.

3.         Should you have any further questions, please phone the school (250 799 2963) 


Special considerations may apply to students with diverse needs if these students are unable to comply with a code of conduct due to having a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature. 

Digital Devices: 


We recognize that limiting personal device use while at school helps promote a focused learning environment and increases online safety. Our general expectation is to please leave all electronics and valuables at home.  The school will not be responsible for any missing items.


Devices should not be accessed or used during school hours and will remain secured away. Specifically, students are not permitted to leave the classroom with their device during class time or break times and are not permitted to have them in bathrooms. Classroom teachers may set an appropriate range of classroom strategies for restricting use of digital devices. There may be times when devices are used specifically for instructional purposes and digital literacy; allowing for students’ ages and developmental stages. Considerations will be made in regards to accessibility and accommodation needs, medical and health needs, and equity to support learning outcomes.    


Students who fail to adhere to the school and classroom guidelines for digital devices may:

  1. Have their device taken away
  2. Be prohibited from having a device on school property
  3. Be suspended in accordance with AP 320—Student Suspensions


Development and regular review:

The School Code of Conduct is reviewed annually with stakeholders to ensure it meets the ministry requirements and the needs of Lac La Hache. 


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