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GRAD MEETING - MONDAY, JUNE 3th, 2024 @ 11:00 AM in the gym. 

Grad ceremony tickets and dry grad information will be distributed at this meeting. Due to seating capacity, only 6 ceremony tickets per grad! Grads must attend meeting and at the end, some extra tickets may be available. If any grads have tickets that they won't use, please give the unneeded ones to the office.

Grad Ceremony Date: Friday, June 7, 2024 

To be held at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, 6-9 pm. 

On the 7th, grads are expected to be at the arena at 11am for the grad rehearsal. This is for grads only, no parents or guests at the rehearsal please. Grads need to arrive at 5:00 pm and go to the Gibraltar room (to get their gowns, etc). Reminder: it gets very warm in the arena, wear something light underneath ** but do wear something!! **


DRY GRAD: Saturday, June 9, 2024

To be held at the Cariboo Memorial Complex. Join the WL Dry Grad 2024 Facebook group for the most up-to-date information available. Volunteers still needed! 

Baggage needs to be dropped off at the Recreation Complex on Thursday, June 6th in the afternoon. All grads need to drop off a bag with any items they want to have at the Dry Grad event. This should include a change of clothes, comfy shoes, and toiletries. If students want to use the designated and supervised smoking/vaping area outside during the Dry Grad event, their cigarettes or vapes must be in this bag.

If grads would like to bring a date who isn't graduating, that person must be approved by the school principal. Grad date forms are available in the office.            

Grad guest forms are due by May 15, 2024 to the office.  



Grad parade will be held on Saturday as well, staging for parade on 2nd Avenue above the cemetary will start at 4:30.

Parade starts at 5:30, ending at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex. Dry Grad to follow from there.

Parade entry forms are due to the office by May 15, 2024.

Parade route will be as follows:parade%20route%20dry%20grad%2023.jpeg

Click this link for 2023 Dry Grad Parade Entry Request Form


GRAD CEREMONY FEES - Due by May 30, 2024

Please pay $60.00 grad ceremony fees at the WL Campus main office. PLEASE NOTE: Cheques or cash ONLY

Please make cheques payable to Lake City Secondary - WL Campus.

DRY GRAD FEES - Due by May 15, 2024

Dry Grad Fees: $80.00 - The dry grad fees need to be paid to dry grad, NOT THE SCHOOL. Can e-transfer the $80 to and be sure to write the name of the student in the comment section! No password is required as it is auto-deposit.

Cheques or cash can be dropped off to WL Campus office for Dry Grad - Please make Dry Grad cheques payable to Williams Lake Dry Grad.


Check out this link for the Current Grad Requirements!!!

BC Graduation Requirements

A copy of your student transcript is available from the school office, or you can order up to 10 for free from the Ministry.  The Ministry will send a certified copy where ever you need. See more information below.

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