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Bus Registrations

Kids heading to school

Bus Registrations

Cariboo Chilcotin School District provides transportation services to all students defined as eligible riders in AP 770 with key requirements being that the student resides outside of the walk limits and attends their catchment school.

Eligible Riders

For all eligible riders based on AP 770 please using the following link to register your child: Eligible Rider Registration

Courtesy Rider

Visit the following link for updated information on the SD 27 Courtesy Rider Request Process.  This process is only for students not approved for transportation to and from school as eligible riders or those asking for alternative drop off locations for transportation after school.  Courtesy Rider Application

All Courtesy Rider applications will be processed by mid October.  For bus routes with abundant available space, approval will be granted earlier.  In some rural routes approvals will be provided early in September.

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