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Back to School Letter to Families


                                                                                                                                              September 3, 2024


Dear Parents and Guardians,


I hope this letter finds you well and that you have enjoyed the lovely summer we had in Anahim Lake.   As the school year begins, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the opportunities that lie ahead. It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your children back to school!

This year, we are very pleased to have students remaining in community and starting Grade 10. With two more certified teachers joining our small, yet mighty team, we will be able to support our students in the many ways they deserve. We now have a full staff of teaching principal, teachers, support staff and secretary, in addition to spending time with Elders from our community and members of Denisiqi.

Anahim Lake Elementary Junior-Secondary School’s theme “Walking Together” is being shared throughout SD27. The collaboration between staff at our school and the support from parents and the community, will allow us to forge and maintain ongoing communication between teachers, students and their parents/guardians. Your involvement with your child’s education is crucial to the success of your children here at Anahim Lake Elementary Junior-Secondary School and future learning. Whether through volunteering, attending school events, or simply staying engaged with your child’s teacher, your participation makes a significant difference.

For us to continue to create more inclusive learning, we are willing and able to teach quite a variety of both core subjects and electives from Kindergarten through Grade 10. The teachers, support staff and I will be working together over the next few weeks to learn as much as we can about every child’s strength and areas that need extra support. Instead of organizing the entire day a student spends with others in one grade, they will work in groups focusing on where they are at and where we need them to strive towards.

There will be movement and change.

Some groups will be small for subjects like Math and English while others such as ADST, Art, Music or PE might have 10 to 15 students. I believe – and other, ‘more seasoned’ principals and advisors, support our school’s endeavor. I feel confident that we will see more self-assured students when they are able to work with others who are mastering similar areas of study. It will be a full team effort.

As you know, our smaller staff of 2023-2024, still managed to deliver alternatives such as music, gymnastics, track and field, woodworking, cooking, gardening, knitting, beading and archery. We are grateful to the Elders, parents and community members who stepped forward and offered their knowledge. Some of this they volunteered, but we were also able to provide honorariums for most of their time. If you would like to find out how enriching it is to be a part of our school day, please reach out to me. I would like to be able to offer even more to our students and we cannot do this without you!

Joining the PAC is another way to get involved with your child’s school. When parents are active in organizing and hosting fun activities occasionally, their children usually feel a strong sense of belonging to the school.  I encourage you to get involved as little or as much as you are able.

I look forward to seeing your children’s smiling faces as they return to school and to working together with you to make this school year one of growth, learning, and joy for all.

Thank you for entrusting us with your children’s education. Together, we can achieve great things.



Warm regards,  

Bonnie Sauder  


Anahim Lake Elementary Junior-Secondary School

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